Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the patently flawed and unconstitutional declaration of the 2020 Presidential results, makes a mockery of justice-ESQ Sammy Gyamfi

Lawyer Sammy Gyamfi, Nat. Communications Officer-NDC

Folks, the judgment of the Supreme Court on the 2020 Election Petition is full of patent falsehoods, particularly, their ratio decidendi on issue 2, which is captured at the last paragraph of page 39 of the Judgement.

The claim by the Court that the figure 13,434,574, which was announced by Jean Mensah in her 9th December declaration was actually the Total Vote Cast for the election but that same was mistakenly announced by the Returning Officer as the total valid votes cast, is untrue and not borne out of the evidence that was before the court.

As can be seen from the attached Form 13 (Declaration of Presidential Election Results- National Summary Sheet) which is Exhibit 4 of the Witness Statement of Jean Mensah, a document I believe was forged by the EC to justify the unconstitutional declaration, the Total Vote cast for the 2020 Presidential election is 13,434,508 and not 13,434,574 as the Court claims.

Also, the Court’s claim that Jean Mensah committed an error relative to the total valid vote cast in her declaration, which was later corrected on 10th December is false, as the figure the EC published as the total valid votes in their unsigned press release of 10th December is 13,119,460 and not the 13,121,111 the court claims is the correct total valid votes cast for the election.

These inconsistent figures expose the flawed conclusion the Court arrived at. This is what happens when an electoral management body cooks figures to achieve a fraudulent predetermined election outcome. The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the patently flawed and unconstitutional declaration of the 2020 Presidential results by Jean Mensah, makes a mockery of justice.

Very pathetic!


Recommended For You: Watch John Mahama’s reaction to the election 2020 Petition Judgement below.

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