The family of the late Jerry Sedem Kpesenu, also known as Maya, in Dzelukope in the Keta Municipality is calling for an independent body to conduct an autopsy on their deceased relative.
According to the family, they suspect foul play in their brother’s death and are demanding that autopsy be conducted by an independent body.
Reports earlier indicated that the deceased was allegedly brutalised by the police and died while in custody on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.
The late Maya was a landlord, and the police were called in to settle a brawl between him and one of his tenants over the fixing of an air conditioner.
A brother of the deceased, Michael Gbadegbe, told the media that the family was only informed on Thursday, June 6, about Maya’s passing instead of the Wednesday, June 5 that he died.
“Maya is my brother and our sources indicate that he died on Wednesday, but we got the information on Thursday. He was severely beaten and dragged before being taken to the police station and all the people there saw how he was being dragged out of the car. He was treated like a criminal, while he is not.”
Another brother, Bernard Doe William, called on the MCE and the Inspector General of Police to investigate the death.
“Our request to the MCE and IGP Dampare is that the officers and any other person involved be arrested, and we want an independent autopsy conducted. We will not be happy that the police conduct the autopsy because we suspect they have a hand in the death.”