Prosecute loan app fraudsters – Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications


The Ghana Chamber of Telecommunication is calling on the Cyber Security Authority to prosecute the 420 suspects involved in loan app fraud.

In an effort to combat cybercrime effectively, the chamber advocates for community service as a form of punishment, suggesting that the suspects can contribute to society by imparting ICT knowledge to individuals who are not well-versed in the field.

Treating this issue lightly would only exacerbate the situation.

Recognizing the vulnerability of the adult population in the country, the Ghana Chamber of Telecommunication emphasizes the importance of enhancing the cyber capacity of individuals.

Factors such as illiteracy rates and a lack of knowledge in Information Communication Technology contribute to the success of internet fraudsters preying on unsuspecting victims.

According to Kenneth Ashigbey, the Chief Executive Officer of the chamber, the suspects can be engaged in community service that involves teaching ICT skills to individuals who are not familiar with technology.

In a recent engagement with Junior High School students in Agona Swedru on coding skills, Dr. Ashigbey highlighted the significance of creating awareness about ICT issues.

Partnering with the chamber, the Institute for ICT Professional stresses the importance of introducing coding to Junior High School children. While acknowledging the potential risks associated with ICT, they emphasize the need to embrace the positive aspects of technology.