It Is Feasible To Register Your Company Within 24 Hours – Registrar Of Companies


Registrar of Companies, Jemima Oware, has disclosed that it is possible to fully register your company within 24 hours.

According to the registrar, this initiative will take effect by early next year with the introduction of a new software purposely built to fast-track the process.

According to her, the current software in use has been described by users as not being user-friendly.

“We currently have software in place that can do that online registration, but what happens is people don’t find it user-friendly,  and also people don’t like to do it online. They like to come and look into somebody’s face and give money to somebody.

She explained that one of the main challenges with the paper registration affecting the speed of work is that most people come to the premises of the Registrar of Companies without fully complying with the requirements.

“Some will come and haven’t even filled the forms, some will come and they don’t have a digital address, some will come and they don’t have an NIA card. So the key thing is let’s start counting from the time you complete all the requirements and then we can say confidently that within a day we can give you the business registration certificate,” she said.

The registrar noted that to ensure a seamless and comfortable experience for business owners in the future, the Registrar of Companies will be coming out with new software that will hopefully have none of the issues the current software has.

“The issue in reality though is that the current software has challenges and nobody denies that fact. So you could come in and do everything within a day, but you won’t get it within the day because possibly the system has shut down for one reason or the other or one of the users of the system, maybe the lawyer or the company inspector does not approve it within the time they’re supposed to approve it because there are so many other things that are being done and that is why we’re now going to move a step further and come out with new software.

“We’re trusting God …early of the next year 2024, we’re coming out with a software which would enable you to do everything online. You would not need to walk into our offices with paper as currently people are walking in and queuing at the bank to pay and scan and you know all those things, it will be a thing of the past,” she said.