The Policy provides an overview on the current renewable energy resources being managed in Ghana in the sectors of wind, solar, bioamss, ocean energy and hydropower and the requirements for sustainable exploitation and efficient use of these resources.
The Policy further outlines the grid-connected and off-grid targets for renewable energy; domestic use and domestic cooking energy targets; administrative procedures and technical specifications for achieving the targets; and biomass supply and measures to increase biomass availability.
The Policy contains 7 Parts as follow: Introduction (1); Summary of National Renewable Energy Policy (2); Summary of Targets (3); Renewable Energy Targets and Trajectories (4); Measures for Achieving the Targets (5); Articulation with Regional Initiatives (6); and Preparation of the National Renewable Energy Action Plan and Follow-Up on its Implementation (7).
Read Also >>> RENEWABLE ENERGY ACT, 2011 (ACT 832)