“There’s ease after every pain” – Alhaji Said Sinare to NDC members

Alhaji Said Sinare

It’s a Dark Wednesday my Wonderful Comrades!

The dust has finally settled and we are heading home with thousand lessons learnt on the subject of betrayal. But let me be candid by cautioning the saboteurs that, until JM finishes his unfinished business no one should dare conceive a “funny thought” of throwing in a hat .

Sadly, information reaching me at this moment is that, the Ashanti regional TEIN Coodinator has abdicated his position and equally relinquished his NDC membership.
Apparently his decision is borne out of the naked betray that happened last night by our very own representatives.
My argument is, let me use the DISHONORABLE Hawa Koomson to buttress my point. How come NPP who has 137 in the house recorded 161 votes for Hawa Koomson? This means that 24 of our own NDC MPs has traded us for only God knows what.

Having said this, i would like to call on the rank and file of the great NDC to not despair because the scriptures has it that “there’s ease after every pain” hence let’s take solace in this aforementioned verse.

But much as we blame our MPs, I think it’s commonsensical to zone ourselves into the picture and take our share of the blame, we are all accomplices to this irreversible betrayal.

My point is, if a full constituency executive (who’s supposed to know better) demand monies from a Regional or National executive aspirant before giving the fellow their mandate; tell me if such person is able to maneuver his/her way through by succumbing to your demand, what would the consequences be like?

Or a branch executive demanding money from a PC, when you clearly know the person you are taking money to vote doesn’t have any private business whatsoever. Definitely such a person would do to us like what we witnessed last night.

In a nutshell, next time aspirants come to you, please do well by using your conscience to scan the aspirant thoroughly and select the best foot front.

JM remains the lifetime torchbearer of NDC, it is a title that he got from Allah and by dint of humility, perseverance and loyalty.
I shall bounce back when our amiable leader speak @ 5pm.
Thank you;
Yours brother in the struggle,
Alhaji Said Sinare,
Nat’l vice chairman, NDC.

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