As the world marks World Toilet Day Tuesday, the Environmental Health Officer at the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly has given landlords up to six months to provide household toilets for tenants or face legal action.
The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, Luv FM and Nhyira FM have constituted Sanitation Enforcement Team that has been identifying and prosecuting landlords and institution which direct faecal matter into drains in Kumasi.
This follows the KMA’s realisation that about 40 per cent of residents in Kumasi have no household toilets. And out of this number, 20% share public toilets while the remaining 20% defecates in the open.
Environmental Health Officer of the KMA, Isaac Bassanyin says the assembly is liaising with some financial institutions to provide soft loans for landlords to provide household toilets.
This year’s world toilet day is being marked under the theme; leaving no one behind.
World Toilet Day is a United Nations observance day marked annually on November 19.
The purpose is to inspire action to tackle the global sanitation crisis.