SELINA AVEVOR is the current assembly member for Kutunse Electoral area in the Amasaman Municipality. In pursuance to our community development promotion agenda, betterghanadigest.com caught up with her to find out how she has been faring with regards to delivering on her mandate as the assembly member in her area.
Touting her achievements since 2015, she said as a lady, she was proud of all that she has been able to do but quickly added that there was more to be done and she is not going to relax on her efforts until her people are all living comfortably in the Kutunse Electoral area.
In recounting some of her achievements, Hon. Selina Avevor started by saying that, Kutunse Electoral Area has twelve Communities and for about a year now, armed robbers had been attacking the residents on daily basis. She therefore mobilized the guys within the various communities to form what they call NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH COMMITTEE.
With the help of the police 45 young men and women were trained after which the police took their finger prints and then inaugurated them to start work. This she said has silent the armed robbers and had brought the crime rate within the communities to a minimum.
She has also been able to mobilize the women within the area and with the support of Action Aid Ghana, been training some of the women to acquire economic skills such as soap making. Also she organized the young boys and girls in construction and then partnered with Action Aid Ghana to build a center for them in Kpobiman, which trains the girls especially school dropouts in order to get them back into school or help them to learn a skill.
Selina Avevor has also lobbied the chief of the community to secure a piece of land to build a Norwegian Project (facility) which has trained 1,000 girls in the Amasaman municipality.
She has also lobbied for learning materials such as books, toys, crayons to support schools in the Kutunse electoral area including even private schools. She also has provided dresses and shoes for some less privileged children within the communities.
At the beginning of the year 2019 Selina Avevor organized unity fun games to start with unity amongst the youth in the area.
Others include the construction of roads at Mayemuden, Nyabema Newtown and Treba and the provision of culverts, bridges and drains at Nyabema. She also lobied for the provision of additional classrooms for Kutunse Basic School.
Hon. Selina Avevor called on her electorate to continue giving her the support they have given her in the past in order to enable her deliver more development to the area.

Below are pictorial evidence of some of her achievements since she was elected as the assembly member to represent her area.